Pau Village, east Sumba, Indonesia

Waingapu Northwards

Sumba Island, Indonesia

The eastern end of Sumba Island is rather barren but it has some lovely river valleys, quaint fishing villages and local markets. Start by heading north from Waingapu and spend a day exploring. Just 20min north of town, lies the picturesque Prainatang and Kanatang river valleys. Just before the bitumen ends at a market place, turn inland for approximately 3km then leave your vehicle where the track meets the river bend. Fishing net repairs, Sumba, IndonesiaA short walk up the adjacent hillside affords great views back over the valley and brings you to the village of Prailiang, a perfect example of an old Sumbanese fortified hilltop village. Back out at the coast, turn north again for 2km’s. Just over the bridge you’ll reach the traditional village of Mondu. Turn inland again and follow a bumpy track for about 13kms to reach the gorgeous little river valley and the traditional village of Kalamba. There’s a lovely pool and a little cascade so it’s a top spot to have a swim and cool off.

Sumba island village, Indonesia

Photos courtesy of Aziz Ainun Najib

After returning to the coast, continue north for another 15km’s until you reach a couple of charming, sleepy fishing villages before the road veers westward, eventually ending at the island’s oldest settlement, Wunga village which is located on the northernmost tip of Tanjung Sasar. No one quite knows when the village was founded but it is certainly well over a thousand years old and according to the beliefs of the Marapu inhabitants, all Sumbanese are descended from these original founding ancestors.

Sumba Island, Indonesia
1 day
Get there
Private car or ojek
Need to know
A great day trip

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